更新時間:2025-01-24 04:48:43 瀏覽次數:9 公司名稱:焦作 豫信致誠機械設備有限公司
產品參數 | |
產品價格 | 電議 |
發貨期限 | 電議 |
供貨總量 | 電議 |
運費說明 | 電議 |
規格型號 | YXRG-15 (200) |
流量 | 2~85立方/小時 |
功率 | 1.5~35kw |
壓力 | 1Mpa~2Mpa |
重量 | 60~2000kg |
水平輸送能力 | 100m |
垂直輸送 | 3~15m |
軟管泵最大吸程 | 8m |
軟管尺寸 | 按規格定制 |
設備類型 | 小型軟管泵 |
設備用途 | 工業軟管泵、輸送軟管泵 |
工作原理 | 滾軸擠壓式循環往復 |
參考價格 | 5000~85000 |
耐腐蝕性輸送性能 | 可輸送 |
食品果醬輸送性能 | 可升級為不銹鋼型軟管泵,食品級軟管 |
其他行業應用 | 根據輸送物質類型,定制設計加工 |
交貨周期 | 小型軟管泵現貨,大型定制 |
付款方式 | 預付30%,剩余貨到付清 |
軟管泵可應用于多用移動泵站的結構 :自吸高度可達到9米,水平自吸可達200米以上,無需灌泵。特別適合于市政下水道系統的污水、污泥抽排。無堵塞、雜質通過能力強。普通的塑料袋、沙石、編織袋、泥漿、毛發等雜物都不會影響泵的使用。采用原輪泵,耐干運行,泵體堅固耐用、壽命長。使用快速連接接頭,方便進出口管道的裝配。 整車設計緊湊、適應于狹小空間使用。使用便捷拆卸式防雨布、或硬質鋼板隔音罩,低噪音設計,符合環保標準要求。
The hose pump can be applied to the structure of a multi-purpose mobile pumping station: self-priming height can reach 9 meters, horizontal self-priming can reach more than 200 meters, no need for drainage irrigation pump. Particularly suitable for sewage and sludge drainage in municipal sewer systems. No blocking, strong ability to pass impurities. General plastic bags, sand, woven bags, mud, hair and other sundries will not affect the use of the pump. The original wheel pump is resistant to dry running, and the pump body is durable and durable. Use quick connect joints to facilitate the assembly of inlet and outlet pipes. The complete vehicle design is compact and suitable for use in small spaces. Easy-to-remove rainproof cloth or hard steel sound insulation cover, low noise design, meet environmental protection standards.
動力消耗少,可計量輸出;易損件少,更換時間短;獨特無密封結構,不會產生泄露;自吸能力強,可達8米;可正反向運轉,具有自清理能力;壓軸采用滾動摩擦,泵腔無需加油;結構簡單,操作維修方便;出口壓力 可達1.6Mpa;輸送高粘度、高固含量、固體顆粒、纖維物質、及其他雜志等液物料,不會產生任何堵塞。
Less power consumption, accurate metering output; less wearing parts, short replacement time; unique non-sealed structure, no leakage; strong self-priming ability, up to 8 meters; can run forward and reverse, with self-cleaning ability; final shaft Rolling friction, no need to refuel the pump cavity; simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance; outlet pressure up to 1.6Mpa; conveying high viscosity, high solid content, solid particles, fibrous material, and other magazines and other liquid materials, without any blockage .
It is well known that when the hose pump is running, it is conveyed through a U-shaped rubber hose with elasticity. Today the editor needs to emphasize that the storage time of the hose should not be too long, and it is generally limited to one year. During the shutdown period, if the pump is equipped with a hose, if it is not used for a long time, the pump needs to be rotated every other month. So as not to press the roller for a long time at a certain position of the pump tube, it will weaken the resilience of the tube and affect its flow rate.
本公司已完成GB/T19001-2000IDT ISO9001:2000質量管理體系認證。嚴格執行CJ/T120-2008.CJ/T136-2007產品標準,公司始終堅信沒有好的產品質量沒有企業的生存和發展,每道工序都有相應的檢驗員控制。公司主營產品(安徽阜陽) 本地 安徽阜陽混凝土拋丸機?! ∫钥蛻魹橹?,讓我們服務于每一位客戶,能及時與客戶溝通聽取客戶反饋的意見和建議。及時解決客戶在產品使用過程中的問題,是我們每一位員工的責任。為保證供貨的即使和客戶的需要,公司實行24小時生產,每月月產量1600多噸。滿足了客戶的需要和工地工期緊及時安裝的問題?! ∶鎸焖侔l展的管道防腐行業,潞沅公司將繼往開來,發揚“與時俱進,追求超卓”的潞沅精神,憑借優良的產品質量、完善的服務體系,以市場化、多元化的經營理念開拓發展,創造出更加輝煌燦爛的明天。