The main purpose of the multi-purpose mobile pumping station:
The multi-purpose mobile pumping station is based on the design and development of a pump. The large-flow hose pump is a type of pump commonly used in municipal water supply and drainage. It has a large number of potential users. Extraction delivery. Rotor pumps are favored by domestic design units and users due to their strong self-priming ability, resistance to dry running, large flow range and wear resistance.
化工行業,各種防腐蝕漿料和無機鹽物料;石油、鉆井、水處理、泥漿、石灰漿;采礦冶金的充填物料,礦漿輸送;食品行業,油類物料及飲料,糊狀料輸送;造紙行業,紙漿、硫磺輸送;建筑業,水泥沙漿、泡沫混凝土生產線,樓頂屋泡沫輕質流體物料;油漆、涂料、鈦 、二氧化碳等物料輸送。
Typical use of hose pump:
Chemical industry, various anti-corrosion slurry and inorganic salt materials; petroleum, drilling, water treatment, mud, lime slurry; filling materials for mining and metallurgy, slurry transportation; food industry, transportation of oil materials and beverages, paste; papermaking Industry, pulp and sulfur transportation; construction industry, cement mortar, foam concrete production line, rooftop foam light fluid materials; paint, coating, titanium dioxide, carbon dioxide and other materials transportation.
豫信致誠機械設備有限公司所生產的 貴州貴陽混凝土拋丸機產品種類齊全、規格多樣,價格適中 ,品質優良。其制作流程嚴格遵守行業生產標準和檢驗控制,保證了每一件產品質量。