
以下是:寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷的產品參數
品名電工鋼 冷軋無取向電工鋼 冷軋取向電工鋼卷冷軋取向硅鋼 取向電工鋼冷軋無取向硅鋼冷軋無取向硅鋼
規格0.08 0.1 0.05 0.18 0.2 0.23 0.27 0.3 0.35 0.5 0.65 1.0mm
導讀 寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷,鹿程國際貿易有限公司為您提供寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷產品案例,聯系人:鹿丙偉,電話:021-56152236、13764370568,QQ:871956683,發貨地:寶山區蕰川公路777號寶鋼廠區607-609室發貨到四川省 宜賓市 翠屏區、南溪區、江安縣、高縣、珙縣、筠連縣、興文縣、屏山縣。 四川省,宜賓市 宜賓市有“萬里長江城、中國酒都、中國竹都”之稱,文化底蘊深厚,于宋政和四年(1114年)由僰道縣改稱宜賓縣。有2200年建城史、4000年釀酒史、3000年種茶史,是歷史文化名城,II型大城市。歷代名人輩出,養育了李碩勛、趙一曼、陽翰笙、唐君毅、余澤鴻等無數革命先烈和文壇大師,積聚了多姿多彩的長江文化、酒文化、僰苗文化、哪吒文化、抗戰文化、民俗風情文化。宜賓是確定的沿江城市帶區域中心城市,是四川培育壯大的七大區域中心城市之一、是四川省委確定的長江上游區域中心城市、全國性綜合交通樞紐、四川南向開放樞紐門戶。2020年1月,四川省批復支持開展省級創新型城市建設。境內有蜀南竹海、金秋湖、李莊古鎮、七洞溝旅游景區、夕佳山古民居、老君山等旅游景點。

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以下是:寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷的圖文介紹
電工鋼硅鋼片In addition to the types listed above, there are also some special purpose electrical steel plates, such as 0.15 and 0.20mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel strips and 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strips, used for medium and high-frequency motors, transformers, and pulse transformers; 0.7mm thick 3% Si high-strength cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel plate for relays and power switches; High strength cold-rolled electrical steel plate for new high-speed motor rotors; Low carbon electrical steel hot-rolled thick and cold-rolled plates for magnetic shielding and high-energy accelerator electromagnets such as medical magnetic resonance tomography scanners; 4.5% to 6.5% Si high silicon steel plates for high-frequency motors, transformers, and magnetic shielding.Generally, motors, transformers, and other electrical components are required to have high efficiency, low power consumption, small size, and light weight. Electrical steel plates are usually guaranteed to have magnetic properties based on core loss and magnetic induction strength [1] [2]. The requirements for the performance of electrical steel plates are as follows:Low core loss (PT)Iron core loss refers to the ineffective electrical energy consumed by an iron core when magnetized in an alternating magnetic field of ≥ 50Hz, abbreviated as iron loss, also known as alternating loss, and its unit is W/kg. The ineffective electrical energy consumed due to various obstacles caused by magnetic flux changes not only loses electrical energy through the heating of the iron core, but also causes temperature rise of the motor and transformer. The iron loss (PT) of electrical steel includes three parts: hysteresis loss, eddy current loss (Pe), and anomalous loss (Pa). Electrical steel plates have low iron loss, which can save a lot of electricity, prolong the operating time of motors and transformers, and simplify cooling devices. Due to the iron loss of electrical steel plates, which accounts for 2.5% to 4.5% of the annual electricity generation in various countries, countries always try their best to reduce iron loss in the production of electrical steel plates, and use iron loss as the most important indicator to assess the magnetic properties of products. The iron loss value of products is used as the basis for classifying product grades. Cold rolled oriented electrical steel: Cold rolled oriented electrical steel is a high-end product in the field of electrical steel. Compared with cold rolled non oriented electrical steel, its magnetism has strong directionality; It has superior high magnetic permeability and low loss characteristics in the direction of easy magnetization rolling. The iron loss of oriented steel strip in the rolling direction is only 1/3 of that in the transverse direction, and the ratio of magnetic permeability is 6:1. Application: The main purpose of cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strip is for transformer manufacturing.Full process cold rolled non oriented silicon steel coating: The surface of the full process cold rolled silicon steel is coated with a semi transparent insulation coating, which has different codes in different standards. Taking Baosteel‘s Q/BQB 480 2014 as an example:

電工鋼硅鋼片主要用作各種電機、四川宜賓附近發電機和變壓器的鐵芯。比總損耗(鐵損) specific total loss (iron loss)比總損耗是在磁極化波形保持正弦,其峰值和頻率為特定值時,單位質量材料所消耗的總功率,比總損耗用符號 P(Jm/f)表示,單位為 W/kg。例:P1.5/50表示在 磁極化強度為 1.5T、四川宜賓附近頻率為 50Hz 時的比總損耗。3.2 磁極化強度 magnetic polarizationQ/BQB 480-20212磁極化強度是指試樣受交變磁化時,特定磁場強度峰值的磁極化強度峰值,其符號為J(H),單位為 T(特斯拉)。例:J5000表示對應于磁場強度峰值為 5000A/m 下的磁極化強度峰值。4 分類本文件的材料的等級是根據磁極化強度在1.5T、四川宜賓附近頻率在50Hz下的 比總損耗名義值P1.5/50(W/kg)、四川宜賓附近材料公稱厚度進行牌號分類,并按產品特性細分為普通型、四川宜賓附近應力退火型和型三類。示例 1:B35A210 表示公稱厚度為 0.35mm 的普通型無取向電工鋼, 比總損耗名義值P1.5/50為2.10W/kg;示例 2:B35AR300 表示公稱厚度為 0.35mm 的應力退火型無取向電工鋼, 比總損耗名義值P1.5/50為3.00W/kg;示例 3:B35AH230 表示公稱厚度為 0.35mm 的型無取向電工鋼, 比損耗名義值P1.5/50為2.30W/kg。示例 4:35WW210 表示公稱厚度為 0.35mm 的普通型 WW 無取向電工鋼, 比損耗名義值P1.5/50為2.10W/kg。示例 5:35WH230 表示公稱厚度為 0.35mm 的型 WH 無取向電工鋼, 比損耗名義值P1.5/50為2.30W/kg。5.3 絕緣涂層的分類和代號絕緣涂層的分類和代號應符合表2的規定。表 2 絕緣涂層的分類和代號絕緣涂層種類 代號 特征半有機薄涂層 A 改善沖片性,并有良好的焊接性半有機厚涂層 H 沖片性好,層間電阻高半有機無鉻薄涂層 K 涂層中不含鉻,具有良好的焊接性半有機無鉻厚涂層 M 涂層中不含鉻,具有良好的絕緣性能半有機無鉻極厚涂層 J 涂層中不含鉻,具有極好的絕緣性能半有機無鉻超厚涂層 L 涂層中不含鉻,具有極高的絕緣性能自粘接涂層 Z 涂層中不含鉻,固化后具有良好的粘接性能,鐵心固定強度大。

鹿程國際貿易有限公司本著“品質至上、信譽至上、服務至上、時間至上”的企業經營理念,“誠信經營、信譽為本”的經營宗旨, 是一家專業研究、開發和銷售 四川宜賓汽車車輪用鋼專業性企業,公司產品主要有 四川宜賓汽車車輪用鋼等系列,品種多,規格全。堅信客戶永遠是公司發展的源泉,堅持以市場為導向,以完善的售后服務為承諾,我們積j i參與推廣以及行業交流活動,公司在長期的發展過程中以過硬的產品質量的優勢和國內許多大型的公司都建立了長期良好的合作伙伴關系。


總結今年在四川省宜賓市購買寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷有了新選擇,鹿程國際貿易有限公司始終堅守以用戶為中心的服務理念,將品質作為發展的基石。廠家直銷,確保為您提供價格實惠且品質卓越的寶鋼電工鋼 B50AR600武鋼硅鋼卷產品。如需購買或咨詢,請隨時聯系我們,聯系人:鹿丙偉-13764370568,QQ:871956683,地址:寶山區蕰川公路777號寶鋼廠區607-609室