定制批發 品質保障 售后無憂

保質保量 量大價優

普邦環保材料有限公司是一家專業性 遼寧阜新聚合氯化鋁公司,本公司坐落于遼寧阜新,主要加工,制作,銷售各種 遼寧阜新聚合氯化鋁,是一家實力型的生產經營性企業。目前公司擁有員工130余人,技術力量雄厚,設備,價格合理。集設計、制作、運輸、安裝、售后跟蹤于一體的 服務體系將免除您的后顧之憂。,我們會給您熱情的服務,您會發現,您選擇的不僅是 遼寧阜新聚合氯化鋁產品,還是一個有實力,講究誠信的合作伙伴!

中航豫泓是一家專業生產銷售蜂窩炭、蜂窩活性炭的廠家。主要產品有:蜂窩炭、蜂窩活性炭、防水型蜂窩活性炭、耐水型蜂窩活性炭、蜂窩活性炭塊、圓柱形蜂窩活性炭、蜂窩形狀活性炭等。公司一貫堅持“質量 ,用戶至上,優質服務,守合同”的宗旨,憑借著高質量的產品,良好的譽,優質的服務,產品暢銷全國近三十多個省、市、自治區以及遠銷日本、美國等 。竭誠與國內外商家雙贏合作,共同發展,共創輝煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!
中航豫泓是一家專業生產銷售蜂窩炭、蜂窩活性炭的廠家。主要產品有:蜂窩炭、蜂窩活性炭、防水型蜂窩活性炭、耐水型蜂窩活性炭、蜂窩活性炭塊、圓柱形蜂窩活性炭、蜂窩形狀活性炭等。公司一貫堅持“質量 ,用戶至上,優質服務,守合同”的宗旨,憑借著高質量的產品,良好的譽,優質的服務,產品暢銷全國近三十多個省、市、自治區以及遠銷日本、美國等 。竭誠與國內外商家雙贏合作,共同發展,共創輝煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!