

鹿程國際貿易有限公司位于寶山區蕰川公路777號寶鋼廠區607-609室。是一家致力研發生產銷售 安徽淮北汽車車輪用鋼為一體的廠家。主要產品有: 安徽淮北汽車車輪用鋼等。公司一貫堅持“質量先行,顧客至上,信守合同”的宗旨,憑借著高質量的產品,良好的信譽,多次被評為:“重質量,守信譽”的企業,竭誠與國內外商家雙贏合作,共同發展,共創輝煌!竭誠期待你的來電!021-56152236

電工鋼硅鋼片絕緣涂層特性7.2.1 絕緣涂層狀態產品通常以兩面涂敷絕緣涂層狀態交貨,涂層種類見表 2。絕緣涂層應可耐受絕緣漆、華爾網當地變壓器油、華爾網附近機械油等介質的侵蝕。本文件規定的絕緣涂層與國內外相關技術規范規定絕緣涂層的近似對照可參見附錄 A(資料性附錄),無取向電工鋼絕緣涂層的特性見附錄 B(資料性附錄)。絕緣涂層的厚度、華爾網附近自粘接涂層的剝離強度等技術要求如有特殊要求應在訂貨時協商,并在合同中注明。7.2.2 絕緣涂層附著性根據附錄 C(無取向電工鋼絕緣涂層附著性檢測和評級方法),產品的絕緣涂層的附著性級別按照附著性由高至低分為 A、華爾網附近B、華爾網附近C、華爾網附近D 四個級別。供貨時,產品涂層的附著性級別 應達到C 級。在剪切過程和供方規定的熱處理條件下進行熱處理時,涂層不得有大面積脫落,但是在剪切邊緣位置,涂層的輕微碎裂則允許存在。7.2.3 涂層絕緣電阻涂層絕緣電阻分為表面絕緣電阻和層間電阻,表面絕緣電阻單位為Ω·cm2/面,層間電阻單位為Ω·cm2/片,理論上,層間電阻是表面絕緣電阻的 2 倍。根據需方要求,經供需雙方協商,可進行涂層絕緣電阻的檢測,并在合同中注明涂層表面絕緣電阻或層間電阻的小值

電工鋼硅鋼片In addition to the types listed above, there are also some special purpose electrical steel plates, such as 0.15 and 0.20mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel strips and 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1mm thick 3% Si cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strips, used for medium and high-frequency motors, transformers, and pulse transformers; 0.7mm thick 3% Si high-strength cold-rolled non oriented silicon steel plate for relays and power switches; High strength cold-rolled electrical steel plate for new high-speed motor rotors; Low carbon electrical steel hot-rolled thick and cold-rolled plates for magnetic shielding and high-energy accelerator electromagnets such as medical magnetic resonance tomography scanners; 4.5% to 6.5% Si high silicon steel plates for high-frequency motors, transformers, and magnetic shielding.Generally, motors, transformers, and other electrical components are required to have high efficiency, low power consumption, small size, and light weight. Electrical steel plates are usually guaranteed to have magnetic properties based on core loss and magnetic induction strength [1] [2]. The requirements for the performance of electrical steel plates are as follows:Low core loss (PT)Iron core loss refers to the ineffective electrical energy consumed by an iron core when magnetized in an alternating magnetic field of ≥ 50Hz, abbreviated as iron loss, also known as alternating loss, and its unit is W/kg. The ineffective electrical energy consumed due to various obstacles caused by magnetic flux changes not only loses electrical energy through the heating of the iron core, but also causes temperature rise of the motor and transformer. The iron loss (PT) of electrical steel includes three parts: hysteresis loss, eddy current loss (Pe), and anomalous loss (Pa). Electrical steel plates have low iron loss, which can save a lot of electricity, prolong the operating time of motors and transformers, and simplify cooling devices. Due to the iron loss of electrical steel plates, which accounts for 2.5% to 4.5% of the annual electricity generation in various countries, countries always try their best to reduce iron loss in the production of electrical steel plates, and use iron loss as the most important indicator to assess the magnetic properties of products. The iron loss value of products is used as the basis for classifying product grades. Cold rolled oriented electrical steel: Cold rolled oriented electrical steel is a high-end product in the field of electrical steel. Compared with cold rolled non oriented electrical steel, its magnetism has strong directionality; It has superior high magnetic permeability and low loss characteristics in the direction of easy magnetization rolling. The iron loss of oriented steel strip in the rolling direction is only 1/3 of that in the transverse direction, and the ratio of magnetic permeability is 6:1. Application: The main purpose of cold-rolled oriented silicon steel strip is for transformer manufacturing.Full process cold rolled non oriented silicon steel coating: The surface of the full process cold rolled silicon steel is coated with a semi transparent insulation coating, which has different codes in different standards. Taking Baosteel‘s Q/BQB 480 2014 as an example:
